
Monday, November 25, 2019

Shakespeare, Act three.

Act 1, scene 1.
  1. Why does Shylock assume Solanio and Salerio know of Jessica’s flight? Because they are friends.
  2. What is the second suggestion of misfortune for Antonio- find a quote. " Do you hear whether Antinio has had any loss at sea or no". "There I have another bad match, a bankrupt"
  3. Who has been looking for Lorenzo and Jessica, how do we know. Shylock, he said he was looking for them and is dukects.
  4. Where do Shylock and Tubal arrange to meet and with what purpose? they arrange to meet at Synagogue because they want to go find Antonio and the others.

Self directed learning goal.

Last week I was not here to get any work done so this week I'm hoping to get everything finished and catch up on work from the last two weeks that I had missed.

Friday, November 8, 2019

reading comprehension box:

coral 1
1: B correct
2:A correct
3:B correct
4:B correct
5:A correct
6:B correct
7:A correct
8:B correct
9:C correct
10:B correct
11:C correct
12:A wrong - C
13:B correct
14:C correct

coral 10:
1:A correct
2:B correct
3:C correct
4: A correct
5: C correct
6: A correct
7: B correct
8: B correct
9: C correct
10: A correct
11: A correct
12: A correct
13: A correct
14: B correct

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Reading comprehension box

1. the word anguished in paragraph 2 means? in great pain and worry C

2.  What happened after the lion replaced his foot in the trap? Warthog removed the stick. B

3. warthog and lion were similar because they? wanted the piglets. A the future, it is most likely that warthog would: avoid lions A

5. the main idea in paragraph 2 is to explain? How warthog found the lion and decided to help it A

6. The warthog family were wandering slowly home because? It was the middle of the day and very hot C

7. you can conclude from the stroy that the warthog was: Clever B

8. warthog and the lion could open the trap because they? used a stick A

9. The piglets knew where the warthog was because: he held his tail in the air C

10. the text could best be summarised as folktale: with the message that one good turn deserves another A

11. its a fact, not an opinion, that the warthog was: a father C

12. its most likely that if lion had been given a piglet, he would have: eaten it b