
Tuesday, February 26, 2019


paper making
We pretty much use paper everyday.
1000s of trees get cut down everyday to make paper.
They use lots of chemicals in the process of making paper.

It creates a lot of trash. how to make paper

Bacteria and where it grows.

Bacteria Questions and answers

1. What is Bacteria?
2. What does Bacteria need to survive? Food, Oxygen, Moisturise, Neutral PH levels, The right temperature and time. 
3. Give three examples of how we can avoid spreading Bactria? 
3 - 1.Washing your hands before and after handling food
3 - 2. Foods need to be covered and stored separately. 
3 - 3. Clean before and after cooking.
4. What does the term cross contamination mean? Bacteria transferring from one substance or surface to another. A cross where raw food and cooked food touch or come in contact, This can lead to someone getting very sick.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Novel studys: Abomination.

Cloze Reading Exercise:
Fill in the gaps by finding the section of text in Chapter 1 & 3 ‘Martha’

They chased me ……Home….again today and the new boy, Scott, joined …in……. When he smiled …at……. me yesterday I hoped he was going to be my ………Friend….., but he’s not. He was yelling Raggedy-…ann…… just like everybody else as I …run…….. up Taylor Hill.

When I got in Mother …said……..,… ‘You’ve been running.’ I’ve never told her the kids ……chased……… me and she ………doesn’t…….. like me to run. I said, ‘Yes, ……Mother…….,…. I’m sorry.’

I hate my name. ……Martha………. It’s in the Bible but the …Kids……… think it’s a ……stupid……… name. They ……call…… me Arthur or Ma, and that’s when I’m lucky. Mostly it’s Raggedy-Ann, because of my ……clothes……..,    Mother makes my clothes and I ……wish…….. she didn’t.

Mother says we’re special ………Because……….. we’re Righteous, but that doesn’t make ……me…….. feel better. I’d rather not be special if it means having to ……hide……...things. If …I….. can’t have friends round. If I ……Can’t……….. have friends.

Identifying the Big Issues:
  1. From what you’ve read about Martha, what’s the big issue for her? Write down your opinion and find some evidence from the text to support your case.
  2. Now think of the big issue for Scott and find some evidence.
  3. What are Martha’s interests and concerns? List them on the chart and then find evidence for each one.
  4. Record Scott’s interests and concerns, and the evidence in the same way.

The big issue
E.g Bullying
Having strict and very religious parents.

-They chased me home again- Pg. 1
- Mother doesn't like for me to run - Pg.1
Interests and concerns
Interests-Likes to listen to the radio.
Concerns- she misses her sister.
-Pg.11 - I sometimes listen to radio one.
-Pg.12 - I usually go up to my room and look at Mary’s postcards. Mary’s my older sister. Father sent her away when I was six. Shes grown up now and has a really interesting life and even has the postcard to go by it.

The big issue
Can’t get Martha off his mind.

Pg.15 I lay in bed that night thinking about Martha. Don’t ask me why.
I feel sorry for her in a way but she makes me angry too.
The way she puts up with everything.
Interests and concerns
Interests- Martha and why she puts up with everything.
Concerns- Couldn’t get Martha off his mind still.

Pg.16 - Its as if nothing can push her over the edge, shes like a helpless little animal that never crys.
Pg.22- She had been on my mind all morning. What does Martha do on saturdays? Does she have fun? Does she know what fun is? And why the heck to I care? I didn’t want to think about the sad sack, For pete’s sake .
Exploring the word ‘Abomination’

Find the meaning of ‘abomination’
Write a sentence showing the meaning of the word ‘abomination’ in your own words
Someone or something that causes a feeling of hate or disgust.

Feeling such hate for something or someone that it causes you to have such a strong feeling of disgust fill your body, Head to toe.
Describe what you think ‘abomination may look like?
Draw what you think ‘abomination’ may look like: (you can upload a photo of your picture here)
Maybe a child, that did the family wrong years ago or possibly Mary, Martha’s sister.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Math sundial.

Using sundials to tell the time.

In Math class we were finding ways to tell the time and the most popular was a sundial so our Math teacher came up with the idea to make a sundial in groups. Sadly I was absent while the class was making the sundial but my group made an amazing sundial.
3 facts about sundials
1. I found out that Sundials were first recorded being used in 1500 BC and they were created by The mathematician and astronomer Theodosius of Bithynia.
2. Sundials are accurate all year around if you line it up with the axis of the earths rotation.
Wikipedia and Mr.
3. The sundial can not be used at night or when there is no sun because the sundial uses shadows to tell the time.
Wikipedia and conman knowledge. 

I didn't know that the poll in the middle was called a gnomon.
I have found out that the shadow will be much shorter at mid day and much longer in the morning.
I have learnt lots of different things while learning about the sundial but my favourite thing was that this amazing thing was one of the first ways of telling time before a clock was invented.

Home economics.

HEC1 week 2.

How to set up for a practical. I was away for the first practical so I am going off prier knowledge .
1. Get aprons on.
2. Wipe down benches.
3. Put hair up.
4. Rings or bracelets off.
5. Nail polish off or gloves.
6. Make sure that dishes are clean and ready for use.
7. wash hands.

Throughout the practical.
1. keep different food groups in different bowls until needed.
2.wash hands after handling raw foods.
3. make sure to not to play with your hair or bite your nails and if you do wash your hands.

After the practical.
1. Wash dishes.
2. Dry dishes
3. Put dishes away.
4.. Put dirty towels in wash and get clean ones.
5. Take off and put away apron.

food safety and hygiene

 Definition Hygiene .

Definition of hygiene
Hygiene means practices of being clean in the kitchen by washing your hands,
keeping your hair out of your face,
having clean cut nails, no rings or bracelets and no biting your nails in class.

Maintaining good health practices in the kitchen

Friday, February 15, 2019

Saying goodbye to Critical Literacy.

Questions about Critical Literacy.

1. What I think Critical Literacy is? I think Critical Literacy is reading between the lines and looking for what they are really saying.
2.What did I learn during Critical Literacy? That everything you see online isn't always the truth.
3.What did I find out during Critical Literacy? That people lie or don't tell the full truth.
4. How will I use my Critical Literacy in my everyday life? When reading labels, Watching ads and just using social media.
5. What am I looking forward to in English this year? Reading and writing stories.

Critical literacy. Lets read between the lines.

In our last English class we were asked to read between the lines of ads and answer 4 questions ( of our choice on our blogs ) now we have been asked to do the same with but wit short story's and music videos.

Music video 1 :Gods plan - Drake
Question 1:What is this song about?
Answer 1: Drake giving away money to people in need.
Question 2: How are the characters seen in this text?
Answer 2: Very greatful.
Question 3: What kind of social realities does this text show?
Answer 3: That poverty is real and its everywhere and that it only takes one person to make a difference.
Question 4: What language is used?
Answer 4: A catchy song.

Music video 2: Beautiful Trauma - Pink!
Question 1: What do the images suggest?
Answer 1: That the only time the couple act like a couple is when they are drunk or on drugs.
Question 2: What does the author want us to know?
Answer 2: That this is an unhealthy relationship.
Question 3:  How are the characters seen in this text?
Answer 3: As only happy with their life's after taking drugs or getting drunk.
Question 4: What kind of social realities does this text show?
Answer 4: That's unhealthy relationships are everywhere now days.

Music video 3: Big girls cry - Sia
Question 1:What kind of social realities does this text show?
Answer 1: How children feel when their parents fight or when they are singled out from everyone else.
Question 2: How are the characters seen in this text?
Answer 2: Some happy and some unhappy or confused.
Question 3:  What does the author want us to know?
Answer 3: That people should consider how children feel.
Question 4: What is this song about?
Answer 4: emotions and that everyone has them.

Music video 4: When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars 
Question 1: What is this song about?
Answer 1: A break-up.
Question 2: What kind of social realities does this text show?
Answer 2: That Break-ups are hard.
Question 3: How are the characters seen in this text?
Answer 3: Sad and unhappy.
Question 4: What does the author want us to know?
Answer 4: That Bruno thinks that its his fault they they broke up and now he is sad.

Music video 5: Take me to church - Hoizer.
Question 1: What kind of social realities does this text show?
Answer 1: That gay isn't accepted by most.
Question 2: How are the characters seen in this text?
Answer 2:In some parts in love and in some part in absolute fear.
Question 3:What is this song about?
Answer 3: To men being in love but not being accepted so there for they are punished .
Question 4:What do the images suggest?
Answer 4: That the man was punished for being gay.

What am I learning? Critical literacy.
How does this show my learning? By me reading between the lines to find out what they are implying in the music.
What am I wondering? Why most of these songs are sad.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

What is a Scientist?

Today is science we were asked what we think a scientist is.

I think a Scientist is a person that study's living things, the sky, the clouds, plants, animals and the human body. Scientist create anti viruses to save lifes all that time. They have saved heaps of lifes and helped people live through deadly bugs.

What a scientist is. 
A scientist is someone who collects data and uses that data to help out and find new things. They do research to find out new things or find new life. They use their skills to help in investigations by D.N.A testing, fingerprint scanning and  more.

research about Albert Einstein:
   Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist. He created Gas absorption heat pump and the Einstein refrigerator. 


Critical literacy

Today in English we were asked to watch 4 ads and choose 4 questions to ask and answer about that ad.

first ad: Sensodyne
In this ad they were talking making teeth whiter and that the toothpaste that they were promoting would make there teeth whiter and stronger.
Question 1: What has been left out?
Answer 1: The down sides, all that was said was all the up sides none of the down sides.
Question 2: Who is missing from the text?
Answer 2: A dentist. the person talking in this text only said that the dentist would recommend it but I didn't hear from a real dentist.
Question 3: Who benefits from this text?
Answer 3: People who want brighter teeth.
Question 4:
Answer 4:

Second ad: McDonalds
Question 1: What does the author want us to know? 
Answer 1: That instead of just going to the supermarket that you should just eat McDonalds.
Question 2: What is left out of this text?
Answer 2: The down sides of eating McDonalds instead of cooking at home.
Question 3:Who is missing from this text?
Answer 3: A doctor to tell you how unhealthy living like that is.
Question 4:How are characters constructed in this text ?
Answer 4:  Like they are just lazy.

third ad: Bunchaballons
Question 1: What is left out of this text?
Answer 1: That they lie about their balloons being biodegradable.
Question 2:Who is most likely the viewers of this ad?
Answer 2: kids
Question 3:What kind of language are they using in this ad?
Answer 3: Fast talking and very high pitched.
Question 4:Why are you readying this text?
Answer 4:  Its apart of our critical literacy work, also we are being made to by our teacher.

forth ad: Palmolive
Question 1:What does the author want us to know?
Answer 1: To buy Palmolive shampoo and conditioner.   
Question 2: Who is most likely to view this ad?
Answer 2: People what like to take care of their hair.
Question 3:What language are they using in the text?
Answer 3: Very fast talking and loud.
Question 4:What is left out of this text?
Answer 4: If it works on everyone's hair.

fifth ad: Pizza hut
Question 1: What language are they using in this text?
Answer 1: A catchy song.
Question 2:What is left out of this text?
Answer 2: That their food healthy
Question 3:What is the author wanting us to see in this text?
Answer 3:  That we should buy the pizza just because its half price.
Question 4:Who is most likely to view this ad?
Answer 4: Anyone could see it but it would probably just interest hungry people

sixth ad: lift plus
Question 1: How are characters constructed in this text ?
Answer 1: two are pretty smart but the other one is just stupid
Question 2: who is most likely the viewers of this?
Answer 2: People that drink energy drinks.
Question 3:What is missing from the text?
Answer 3:  That drinking energy drinks doesn't make you smarter.
Question 4:What language is used in this text?
Answer 4: Short words, not much speaking.

seventh ad: state insurance
Question 1:What does this video suggest?
Answer 1: They the mum can just let her son play do what he wants because they are covered by insurance.
Question 2:What language are they using?
Answer 2: A catchy song that will get stuck in your head.
Question 3:What is missing from this text?
Answer 3:  That the insurance only covers somethings not everything.
Question 4: Who is most likely to view this?
Answer 4: People that are looking for insurance.

eighth ad: Anti drink driving message
Question 1:What does this video suggest?
Answer 1: That you should never ever let a friend drive after drinking.
Question 2: Who is most likely to view this?
Answer 2: Hopefully everyone.
Question 3:What views of the world is this text providing?
Answer 3:  That to many people are driving drunk and it needs to stop.
Question 4:Who benefits from this text?
Answer 4: Everyone, Hopefully this ad gives people the courage to stand up and save a life.

ninth ad: Kiwirail
Question 1: What Language is used?
Answer 1: relaxing music.
Question 2: What images are shown?
Answer 2: beautiful sights and relaxed people.
Question 3:Who is most likely to be viewing this ad?
Answer 3:  People that want to take a train.
Question 4: What is left out of this text?
Answer 4: That trains make noise and it isn't going to be that relaxing.

What am I learning? Critical literacy
How does this show my learning? I've just used my critical literacy skills so read between the lines on these ads.
What am I wondering? When they will start being honest with us about the ads.  

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Should we kill butterflies?

Should we be killing butterflies?

Today in English we read a short story about a little girl who wrote in her book that they should kill butterflies because they eat the cabbage that her grandparents grow but her teachers though that we shouldn't kill butterflies.

What kind of Language are they using in this story? Not the best grammar, I think that the grandparents didn't have a education.

What is this text about and how do you know? This text is about the different views on people. the view of the teacher is that the butterflies don't need to be killed because they aren't a threat to her but the grandparents agree with the little girl because they know that the butterflies eat there cabbages that they grow.

What does the author want you to know? That everyone sees life differently, it just depends on what they do in there everyday life.

How are the characters construed in this text? They seem very proud of there granddaughter and how she goes to school. based of there grammar it sounds like they didn't get much of an education.

what kind of social realities does this portray? The different ways that people do things and just because someone does something one way doesn't mean any other way is wrong.

What am I learning? critical literacy 
How does this show my learning? I answered all the questions i was given
What am I wondering? What other people think about the family growing there own food.

Real or fake protest in Germany??

Real or Fake

Today in English class we were shown a picture and asked to use our google skills to find out if its real or fake. This image was going around in 2017 but the image was from 2010.

I think its fake because the website that we were given to look at says that it is a multi day traffic jam in china in august 2010 on a national highway.

Why do I think people shared this? Because they were fooled into thinking that the picture was real or maybe they were just mad that in some places the fuel is this expensive.  

What am I learning? Critical Literacy
How does this show my learning? By me using my google skills and finding out if this is real or not.
What am I wondering? Why the person who shared it lied about it.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Treaty of Waitangi

Learning objective: understand what the treaty is and why its important 
What I already knew: That it was first signed on the 6th of February.
What I found interesting: That 12-15 woman signed the treaty
What am I wondering: Who the woman were.


Ideas for this year

Preforming for year 4 - 8s
makeup and hair
making costumes 
high school musical re create
interactive with the audience 

Factual or Satirical?

Finding real or fake news sites.

The onion: Fake
What does the website look like? Looks like a normal website.
What photos is it using? Photos that looks photo-shopped 
What headlines are they sharing? Ridiculous headlines 
Do you think this is A fake or real website?  Fake 

The New York times: Real
What does the website look like? looks like a normal well put together website.
What photos is it using? A mix between selfies, profession and stock images. 
What headlines are they sharing? well put together headlines.
Do you think this is A fake or real website? Real

The civilian: Fake
What does the website look like? Different to all the others
What photos is it using? stolen or stock images
What headlines are they sharing? Ridiculous and funny headlines 
Do you think this is A fake or real website?  Fake

The daily mail: real
What does the website look like? Like a normal website
What photos is it using? looks like out of a magazine  
What headlines are they sharing? long and boring but realistic 
Do you think this is A fake or real website? real

The daily mash: Fake
What does the website look like? like a normal real website
What photos is it using? stock images 
What headlines are they sharing? funny and clearly fake
Do you think this is A fake or real website?  Fake

The herald: real
What does the website look like? A legit website
What photos is it using? real photos
What headlines are they sharing? realistic serious headlines 
Do you think this is A fake or real website?  real

The shovel:Fake
What does the website look like? like a normal website
What photos is it using? stole and stock images
What headlines are they sharing? funny and fake
Do you think this is A fake or real website? Fake

Daily Telegragh: real
What does the website look like? every other website
What photos is it using? real images 
What headlines are they sharing? real long and boring 
Do you think this is A fake or real website? real

5 ways to check is its Factual or Satirical:
1. Are the headlines ridiculous and funny or long serious and a little boring.
2. Are the photos they are using photo shopped or stock images or are the real photos from real news story's
3.  Are they using good language or bad language. while looking over the websites most fake websites had bad language use.
4. Take notice of there name and what font its in. most fake news sources have funny or just dumb names.
5.  Read between the lines on there story's. uses your critical literacy skills while looking on websites.

What am I learning? critical literacy 
How does this show my learning? by me taking the time to go through all websites and find what is real and what is fake
What am I wondering? How many fake websites are there.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Fake news in critical literacy ??

In English today we were asked to play a game called fake news. it was pretty cool.
Then we were asked to write definitions of some vocabulary. here are some vocabulary that I heard a lot over the past two lessons and the definitions to help you understand.


What I'm learning? Critical literacy 
How does this show my learning? With my google drawing and my work
what I'm wondering? Why people in the real world are so manipulating.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Critical literacy

Today in English we watched two videos and that video that most interested me was the last one.
It was about a girl that was explaining critical media literacy. She showed a couple of different photos.
she showed the original photo and then the photo after they had read through the lines and re wrote it to show what they were really implying in the image.

My favourite part about the video was then she was talking about how when she was younger she wanted to be wonder woman and she wanted to have the golden lasso of truth, I related to that as I would love to have the golden lasso as well.

If I had to ask the girl one thing I would probably ask her why she is a speaker and what made her what to do that as a job

What am I learning? I am learning about critical literacy
How does this show my learning? This shows my learning be me showing my thought on this video
What am I wondering? I am wondering why she added in the wonder woman part.