
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Novel studys: Abomination.

Cloze Reading Exercise:
Fill in the gaps by finding the section of text in Chapter 1 & 3 ‘Martha’

They chased me ……Home….again today and the new boy, Scott, joined …in……. When he smiled …at……. me yesterday I hoped he was going to be my ………Friend….., but he’s not. He was yelling Raggedy-…ann…… just like everybody else as I …run…….. up Taylor Hill.

When I got in Mother …said……..,… ‘You’ve been running.’ I’ve never told her the kids ……chased……… me and she ………doesn’t…….. like me to run. I said, ‘Yes, ……Mother…….,…. I’m sorry.’

I hate my name. ……Martha………. It’s in the Bible but the …Kids……… think it’s a ……stupid……… name. They ……call…… me Arthur or Ma, and that’s when I’m lucky. Mostly it’s Raggedy-Ann, because of my ……clothes……..,    Mother makes my clothes and I ……wish…….. she didn’t.

Mother says we’re special ………Because……….. we’re Righteous, but that doesn’t make ……me…….. feel better. I’d rather not be special if it means having to ……hide……...things. If …I….. can’t have friends round. If I ……Can’t……….. have friends.

Identifying the Big Issues:
  1. From what you’ve read about Martha, what’s the big issue for her? Write down your opinion and find some evidence from the text to support your case.
  2. Now think of the big issue for Scott and find some evidence.
  3. What are Martha’s interests and concerns? List them on the chart and then find evidence for each one.
  4. Record Scott’s interests and concerns, and the evidence in the same way.

The big issue
E.g Bullying
Having strict and very religious parents.

-They chased me home again- Pg. 1
- Mother doesn't like for me to run - Pg.1
Interests and concerns
Interests-Likes to listen to the radio.
Concerns- she misses her sister.
-Pg.11 - I sometimes listen to radio one.
-Pg.12 - I usually go up to my room and look at Mary’s postcards. Mary’s my older sister. Father sent her away when I was six. Shes grown up now and has a really interesting life and even has the postcard to go by it.

The big issue
Can’t get Martha off his mind.

Pg.15 I lay in bed that night thinking about Martha. Don’t ask me why.
I feel sorry for her in a way but she makes me angry too.
The way she puts up with everything.
Interests and concerns
Interests- Martha and why she puts up with everything.
Concerns- Couldn’t get Martha off his mind still.

Pg.16 - Its as if nothing can push her over the edge, shes like a helpless little animal that never crys.
Pg.22- She had been on my mind all morning. What does Martha do on saturdays? Does she have fun? Does she know what fun is? And why the heck to I care? I didn’t want to think about the sad sack, For pete’s sake .
Exploring the word ‘Abomination’

Find the meaning of ‘abomination’
Write a sentence showing the meaning of the word ‘abomination’ in your own words
Someone or something that causes a feeling of hate or disgust.

Feeling such hate for something or someone that it causes you to have such a strong feeling of disgust fill your body, Head to toe.
Describe what you think ‘abomination may look like?
Draw what you think ‘abomination’ may look like: (you can upload a photo of your picture here)
Maybe a child, that did the family wrong years ago or possibly Mary, Martha’s sister.

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